Photogrammetric Survey
Category : ProcessoDate : February 10, 2020
Whenever a new project starts, it is necessary to carry out a survey of the site where the project will be implemented. When it comes to a rehabilitation project, it is essential to carry out an architectural survey of the pre-existing building. This survey allows to have an in-depth knowledge about the state of the building, its dimensioning, and about the building techniques that were used in its construction. The architectural survey includes three-dimensional models or plans, sections and elevations just as any architectural project and is the basis on which the project will be developed, so it is important that it is as rigorous as possible. Photogrammetry is a survey technique that uses photography to obtain geometric information about objects (whether buildings or not). It is one of the most used methods for surveying built heritage, as it captures geometric and color information with very high accuracy. It is one of the methods we use to survey the buildings we design. Below are some images of the three-dimensional models resulting from the photogrammetric survey of a project that we recently started in Cabreiros, Braga.